Unleashing of Pandora

the prison
The prison of Pandora was established in 1935 and, while kept tucked away in Maine, is still hidden by magic. Supernatural beings who committed awful crimes were sent to the prison as punishment. Lucian Morgenstern, a demon/human hybrid, was a vile fugitive who was eventually sentenced to death. Before his death, he orchestrated a plan that would free all of the prisoners. This included dealings with other prisoners, people on the outside, etc. He died and is unavailable for play, but anyone else involved is up for grabs.

The prison break takes place when the game opens, March 2016, with Lucian dying several days before. Please keep in mind that it will be incredibly crazy with prisoners on the run, authorities running after them, and lots of underhanded deals going on to keep everyone hidden. Lots of fun!

A check-in post will be posted on the final Monday of each month. Members are expected to check in with a link to a thread or journal entry within one week of that post. We will not comment journal with a warning or ask if you need an extension. We expect members to check in on their own. Failure to reply to that post will result in removal.

There is no set limit on how many characters a writer can play, but we ask everyone to take on what they can handle. If we notice you are having trouble handling your load, like continuously asking for extensions for check-in, we will deny extension requests and new characters.

If your character is superior to another writer's character because of their species, that does not give you the right to bully them around. If you play an archangel, you cannot order another person's angel to do something that would be against their character's limits. With that said, please consult other writers before doing anything drastic. An angel would answer to an archangel, but don't be a bully about your character's power.